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Residential Safety Nets

Residential Safety Nets

Residential Safety Nets

Our professional service and quality products address the Best Practice Guidelines for ‘Working on Roofs’ as prepared by the Labour Group of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) now Work safe NZ, in conjunction with the Roofing Association of New Zealand.

At Safety-Net we are able to ensure that all of your Safety Net requirements are met, with next to no inconvenience to your construction schedule, at an unbeatable price.

The increasing demand for our services and our proven track record as well as our impressive list of continual customers is testament to our excellent work ethic and professionalism.

House and Building Safety Nets Installation Services in Christchurch

House and building safety nets are a vital part of keeping people safe while they are working on or near a building. A safety net will help to prevent people from falling off of a building, and can also help to protect them if they do fall. There are a few different types of safety nets that can be installed, and it is important to choose the right type for the job.

There are a few factors that need to be considered when choosing a safety net installation service. The first thing to consider is the height of the building. The service should be able to provide a net.